Thursday, March 8, 2012

Epic MMARRPG on Kickstarter!!

Gamers, get ready to have your socks blown off - there is a company with a gig on Kickstarter that is creating a real-time, location-based MMARRPG with ZOMBIES!! What's an MMARRPG? It's kinda like an MMORPG, except like I said above it goes WITH you via your smartphone! For nongamers, here's the definition from the gig:
"MMARRPG: (mar-peg) Massively Multiplayer Alternate Reality Role Playing Game."
It sounds seriously sweet, I won't lie. I generally only do RPG's on the xBox (and even that is only occasional, since I"m usually buried in the pages of a good book), but I would totally use a game like this on my Smartphone to rid myself of the boredom in places where I usually find myself wishing I had brought a book, like waiting at the dr's office or standing in a looonnnnggg line for the ladies room (seriously, why don't places start making two ladies rooms to every one mens room? It would make a lot more sense!!).
So if any of you bookies are also gamers (and don't lie, I know that some of you are lol!!) you really should check this gig out and donate! I donated $1 to support it - I dare you to match me or better!!
Just click here to donate and to find out more.

Also, don't forget to enter to win my giveaway - it's free and easy to enter and runs until March 13th!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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